
Monday, November 4, 2019

Asylum Challenge: Update 3

Spike keeps slapping Glinda, for some reason.

Apollo speaks to others while they sleep.

Drusilla hypnotizes her inmates.

Ghosts make their appearances.

A regular day at the asylum.

Drusilla and Glinda were the first to leave the inside, to have a water ballon fight all of thing. So much for hate the outdoors sims.

Drusilla lost spectacularly.

Apollo and Amelle talk a lot about being fairies.
Apollo: This is the perfect pose to demonstrate the innate ability we possess.

A ghost cooking, I thought it was great that she helped with housework.

Of course, seconds after I thought that, this happened.

Luckily, Arandano was there to save the oven again (sort of).

In the middle of all this, Lola won a star of fame.

Why? You ask, I really don't know, the only things she has done is paint and clean what her cohabitants get dirty.

Spike changed target for slapping, I don't know why he'ss so obsessed with that.

The house seems to have a route problem that originates in the bethroom. The sims walk around it to access the beds.

Or they stand in the middle of the room without going anywhere.

The consequence is that they pass out anywhere.

I think I'm going to cheat some money and enlarge the room, why add money? Because of this.

The only source of money is Lola's paintings, which is not much to say because she is the most absent minded sim I've ever had and never ends a painting at once, always having to remind her to finish them.

I'm starting to think that she'll never complete her lifetime wish. On the positive side, none of the other sims are interested in the skilling objects so Lola has these for herself. Yes, I'm counting that like a positive thing because at this point I don't care about the total points, I just want to finish the challenge because the save is very glitchy. And it's only been a week in the game!

In addition, what is very funny at the beginning, ceases to be when it is the only thing that really happens in the house.

The only two more or less interesting things that happened were:
One, a fight between the two werewolves.

If anyone is interested, Tavo won the fight.

Two, Spike and Apollo flirting with each other. I was very excited about this!

Unfortunately, Apollo interrupted the sequence accusing Spike of being a vampire. SIMS!

Glinda: This is more interesting than watching a soap opera.
Blueberry: I totally agree.

Then Apollo comforted him.
Apollo: It's ok, nobody cares that you are a vampire.

After this experience, Spike returned to his favorite hobby. People slapping. I don't think slapping a werewolf is a good idea.

Just in case, Tavo, the other werewolf, decided to sneak away.

And with that subtle face we finish the week and this update.

Summary so far:
Lola's LTW: Not close to finishing it (painting 6, guitar 3).
Skill points: Maybe 1 or 2 of cooking of some hungry sim, since none of them are interested in skilling.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Asylum Challenge: Update 2

The first thing Lola did was to go to the cemetery to retrieve the graves of the recent unknown dead in the lot and buy food at the grocery store, the only time she will leave the asylum. The others didn't waste time to meet each other.

Drusilla: Don't you think my smile is beautiful? I still don't understand why they think I'm a danger to others, I just wanto to smile at them!
Meanwhile in the background...
Glinda: Don't tell anyone, but I think there is a witch among us.
Tavo: Mmm... you?
Blueberry: Your house is beautiful, thank you so much for inviting me! It's so colorful! So fitting for a faery like you!

Upon returning this is the first things Lola encountered.
Lola: Oh no what a sad sight.

Lola: Ahhh that's better.

Some sims started working on their skills. Like Blueberry with cooking.

And Apollo with painting.

When I returned with Blueberry to see how she continued with the food, I find her a few steps away from the kitchen.

Blueberry: I think Elphaba is cause for suspicion.
An I think her face is cause of suspicion.

You don't think you forget something?
Blueberry: No?

And because sims have less preservation than raw meat, they all ran to panic beside the fire.

Luckily, Arandano rescued the day and the stove, so we won't have to replace it. (He's  behind the foam).

After that little home accident, the patients believed that this was the best place to socialize.

Except for Blueberry, that despite being the cause of the fire,  was more worried about the movie on television.

And where was our only controllable sim when all this happened? Painting, obviously, the more she works on her skills, the faster she can leave this place.

After this, the sims gathered in the kitchen, continued there for several hours of the game where the only one who did something useful were, on the one hand Arandano practicing at the bar.

On the other, Tavo and Amelle starring in this fun sequence.

Well, it wasn't useful but very entertaining and so fitting for a werewolf and a fairy.

The one that was productive was Lola, who finished the painting. (It goes very well with this house).

And then she cooked a very safe fireproof salad.

The rest of the day several things happened that have no relation between them but it was very fun to watch.
Like Drusilla arguing with the toilet.

The first sim that didn't reach the bathroom, I didn't get to see who it was but the bubbles in the head of the majority and the green cloud around Arandano announce him as the suspect.

Blueberry trying to use the toilet but being interrupted by several inmates.

Blueberry: I just wanto to pee!

Spike don't getting along with Glinda.

Maybe she reminds him of another blonde girl. Now that I look closely at Glinda, I find her resembling a certain slayer.

Second sim peeing herself.

Elphaba: Earth swallow me, please.

Elber finding the whole situation very stressful.

Drusilla starving and doing nothing to remedy it! There are several plasma frutis in the fridge, Dru!

Blueberry playing the guitar and waking up those who had just gone to bed even though they are in another room! What type of nonesense is this? They really got up to go listen to her.

Third sim peeing herself.

Spike: This is very distasteful of you.

Fourth sim with bathroom accident.
Amelle: What was disteful again?

Lola couldn't stand so much idiocy and got out of bed, just to end up being bothered by Arandano.

That didn't prevent that they heart farted each other.

Which is not much to say because everyone shares two traits and I made them all bisexual so everyone is pretty much attracted to everyone.

After that I took advantage of Lola being awake to make her clean the toilet.
Lola: Why is it so dirty? It's not been 24 hours since we're here and half of the inhabitants peed themself.

A very good question and a good place to finish this update because as Lola said it hasn't been 24 hours and already has happened all of this .

If this were an isbi it would be in red numbers, I'm having so much fun with this!