
Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dumpster Diver: Update 2

 The second week's first day brought the start of Davin's home.

For now is a box with a bathroom but I have plans to make it look like a house. Davin can be seen aromatizing the environment with his green cloud.

It's another day in the dumpsters.

Day 8 haul isn't so big because I wanted to give Davin a free night to explore the town and fill his social bar.

The only bar in Sunset Valley is The Grind so Davin was sent to explore his options there, River McIrish approached him immediately.
River: I saw you looking through the dumpsters around the town, so... what is with that?
Davin: I'm building my house, you'll not believe the amount of useful things that people throw away.

There were no hearts flying but...

Those are pretty good odds, so far she's the only young adult sim that I've encountered who's also single.

Davin: You seem tense, let me help you.
River: You have good hands.
Just don't think about what those hands do for a living.

Regrettably, The Grind closed up before I could make them go steady, I hope SP doesn't snatch her before Davin.
The next morning, or more like afternoon since he slept until after noon, he wished to talk to her. 

Day 8 haul was a pitiful as the day before. I sold the tv because two we already had were enough.

Since I was getting bored of seeing Davin repeat the three places that had functional dumpsters, I replaced the non-functional ones around town. Today's the junkyard.

Simis Bachelor complained about Davin's smell, but I've seen him carry the green cloud himself for days. 

At the end of day 10, this is what Davin dug out.

Why that face?

Davin: The objects don't mach.
They came from the dumpsters, what did you expect? But look! Your house is a little bigger now.
I have the house planned, will be adding rooms as Davin earns the money to do it, that's the reason why he still doesn't have a bedroom and is sleeping in the future library/study room.

Another replaced dumpster is the one behind the salon. New opportunities of finding treasures.
Davin: I settle for an oven.
Me too, Davin, me too.

No oven, but Davin found a game console on the Day 11.

He also maxed the rebel influence that same night.

The next day, Davin fixed the shower and the toilet that he broke himself the night before, then he read a little about the cooking skill before calling River on a date.

Are you pouting for the camera?
David: Of course, not. 
I don't believe you.

Soon enough, River arrived to the date. She immediately started talking about books.

Davin: I have a lot of them at home, I read a cookbook today.
The fact that's the only book he had read so far wasn't mentioned.

He invited her to dinner at the bistro hopping it wasn't very expensive.

Why that face, Davin?
Davin: I'm thinking of sitting on another chair.

Then he did that, without me controlling him. Why?

I think this is the answer.

Well, Davin, it's time to move forward. And when I said forward I meant backward, she rejected all of his attempts to flirt.

Then she threw a tantrum for not apparent reason and he had to calm her down.

Davin: Watcher, why I had to put out with this?
I'm starting to ask myself that.

This seemed like the perfect time to end the date. Both were left with a contradictory feeling regarding each other.

Then there was this notification.

You had woohoo that lasted longer than six hours? Really? Somehow I don't believe you, girl, but in case it's true I want names. For scientific reasons, of course.
River: Er... let me count again.

And because we always like what is hard to get, Davin had these wishes right after the date ended.

And you, Davin, don't go all mopey on me and go to the dumpster I'm seeing from here, we have just a couple of hours before midnight.

I prefer not to comment on Day 12 haul, it's not worth it.

To make up for yesterday's horrible day, I bought Davin the fastest broom. It was all from the goodness of my heart, it had nothing to do with me getting tired of taxis.

Davin got company while dumpster diving, Leighton Sekemoto left his daughter on the floor while experimenting what the town hobo do for a living.

Then another sim joined the fun. You don't have to hide behind your arm, we recognize you anyway. (Which it's a lie because I don't know who is this, maybe an elder Simis Bachelor but I'm not so sure.)

Day 13 loot had a lot of collectibles and I sold the TV and the dryer. It was a good day for money.

The next day, Davin brought all the gems he had collected throughout the week to the elixir shop to cut and sell (along with the metals).

Later, he traveled by llama.

I was dreading and hopping that something will happen, but he arrived at Varg's Tavern without problems to test the new dumpsters there.

That was all that happened on the last day of the second week. Here's day 14 haul. Apparently the people in the tavern didn't like the seat options very much and threw them all away.

And with those sitting options that I don't know what I'm going to do with them, I leave this update here. If I continue this a week per update thing, the next one should be the last of this challenge. Until next time.


  1. LMAO I died. River and her marathon woohoo. What's up with all those seats? Holy cow. Great job, Davin.

    1. I LOL at that because the date lasted 6 o 7 hours. I don't know what I'm going to do with so many seats, maybe I should have sold some of it.
